History of Trenchless Technology

trenchless sewer repair in West Chester, PA

Pipeshield has been a premier provider of trenchless sewer repair in West Chester, PA for years. We have full confidence that our trenchless services can offer convenience, efficiency, and peace of mind. With such a trailblazing technology that’s truly ahead of its time, one can’t help but wonder who to thank for.

Pipeshield shares an overview of how trenchless pipe lining technology came to be.

The Invention of Trenchless Technology

In the 1970s, Englishman Eric Wood was an Agricultural Engineer who had been tending to a mushroom bed whose air ducts needed to be repaired. Since he was on such a large farm, digging up the pipes would’ve taken a tremendous effort. To save time and effort, he resorted to pushing a felt hose through the old pipes, thus creating a seal throughout the whole network. Then, he pumped the felt hoses full of resin, which hardened into new pipes. This technology came to be called cured-in-place-piping, CIPP in short.

Today, trenchless pipe repair technology has developed beyond its agricultural origins and is now widely used in other industries such as the pipe repair industry.

After the Discovery

It took a while for the technology to catch on, but when it did, it became a staple. Services such as trenchless sewer replacement offer numerous advantages that it became the standard. After that, pulling a new pipe into the leftover cavities was no longer such a laborious undertaking.

The Precision Offered By Trenchless Plumbing

The technology behind trenchless pipe replacement is still changing. Nowadays, the latest advancements deliver unparalleled precision. Microtunneling began gaining traction following its successful demonstration. A Japanese Engineering firm demonstrated it for the first time in the 80s. Since then, even more precise methods of trenchless plumbing have been developed

We Are Your Trenchless Experts

Pipeshield is an expert in trenchless pipe lining services. If you’d like to solve your piping problem without tearing up the yard, we’re the ones to trust. Contact us today!

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Pipeshield is committed to efficient and cost-effective trenchless services. Contact us today to explore our full range of solutions. Feel free to schedule an appointment by calling our team or filling out the online form.